5 Best Programming Languages for Hacking

5 Best Programming Languages for Hacking

1. Python

This programming language is well known for its simplicity and also it is one of the most popular introductory languages in best U.S. universities. Python provides an excellent development platform to build our own tools, or, in ethical hackers terms, it’s called offensive tools. It allows you for rapid development and testing – which are essential for ethical hackers, pentesters, and security professionals. Pentesters (aka. Ethical Hackers) are those people who exploit security vulnerabilities in web-based applications, networks, and systems. 
In other words, they get paid to legally hack. Now Similar to JavaScript, Python is also very flexible and it’s being widely used from building web applications to bioinformatics. Python is a Hackers’ Language (I read it in TJ O’ Connor’s book) and I believe that. Definitely, Python is a Hackers’ Language. Many hackers prefer this as their first language as it is so easy to start with.

2. Java

Yes, Java. Java was originally released with the slogan “write once, run anywhere,” which was intended to underscore its cross-platform capabilities. we can do a lot of things with Java. Its flexibility is highly appreciated by every I.T professional either its a developer or a hacker. It is one of the most used languages in the world. Thanks to its solid user base. From past few decades, it is being ranked number one by developers and now by hackers as well.  
If you search for tutorials on java hacking the chances are high that you are likely to find many. The reason is android. Majority of users belong to android and this becomes easy for hackers to target audience. On the other hand, Java gives them a way to test their skills.

3. Ruby

In the field of security researchers (aka. Ethical Hackers) Ruby got popular in no time. This particular programming language was influenced by Perl, Smalltalk, Eiffel, Ada, and Lisp. Similar to python. It’s easy to write, easy to read and pleasant to work with. Lot’s of companies like Shopify, Twitter, GitHub etc are looking for people who know Ruby. So you must have a belt of Ruby with you. Of course, you’ll need to know PHP, C++, HTML, etc, but Ruby is a good step to learn..

4. JavaScript

Javascript is widely used for web development purpose. It is one of the most flexible programming languages I’ve ever used. Apple has made JavaScript a first-class citizen as of Yosemite, allowing JavaScript to be used in place of AppleScript for various system-level customizations and scripting. With that in mind, there are a ton of ways you can use JavaScript to accomplish many different things, including hacking.
 It can be used for both Front-end and Back-end development purposes as well. For Beginners, JavaScript can be hard to debug and it’s difficult to learn some concepts such as asynchronism, prototype, objects and more. But over time anyone can master it.

5. C/C++

This language is considered as the mother of all programming languages. why? I will tell you. This language is first taught by schools and colleges because of many reasons. It is highly portable and often used on multiple platforms. In short, it is powerful, efficient and fast language also mostly used in software creation for Linux, Windows etc. However, it is also used for Exploit writing and development. 
Although  C++ is a more powerful language than C and is used in a lot of programs. But both of these languages offer great functionality and control. The main highlight of C++ is a collection of predefined classes, which are data types that can be instantiated multiple times. The language also facilitates declaration of user-defined classes and much more. I personally recommend this language to you as if you really wanted to get into hacking.
 The reason behind my statement is that these languages will teach you about the basic concept of coding and also provide an insight knowledge of how loops and conditional statements work, which is very essential to know in order to become a hacker. You can learn these languages from tutorials on youtube or websites which offers a great in-depth review of this.
                                                        Thank you :)


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